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  • Nicole Christine


Updated: Apr 17, 2020

Its crazy how the hardest part of a workout is often the act of actually starting it! We’ve all been there. We rationalize the reasons we could do it tomorrow or procrastinate until it's crazy late at night and time for bed. I’ve *definitely* experienced the “I’ll do it/make up for it tomorrow” feeling BUT I’ve also learned how one can push past these feelings and still get work done.


—Schedule time to workout with them (but do your own workout)

—Ask to be dropped off “X” miles away from home so you have no choice but to run back / Have a friend drop you off at a park and pick you up an hour later (whatever works)

PUT YOURSELF ON THE HOOK: Invest in yourself and put a concrete “end date” on your athletic goal! Register for that 5k/half marathon/full marathon/Iron Man/etc! You are definitely going to feel pressure to get your butt in gear to train if you invested money in an event you will only want to participate in if you’re ready.

SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUT: Don’t let yourself get to the end of a busy day and realize you didn’t get your sweat sesh in. Plan ahead! Figure out when you’ll run/lift the day ~before~ so when you get down to it, your workout and life don’t clash

ATTEND GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES: If you aren’t training for something super specific, Virtual GX classes can be a Godsend! (Highly recommend anything programmed by Les Mills) They follow a set schedule (you’ll be pressured to be somewhere at a certain time) and you won’t ever have to workout alone!!

*TEACH* GROUP FITNESS: No really, I’m serious. There’s no way you’ll miss your workout if you’re getting paid to do it. Also you get to help other people get a great workout too so it’s a win-win! (Click HERE if you are interested in getting certified!)

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